Comparison Study on Bridge Management Activities

C11 has made a study which presents and compares the performance of activities, such as inventory and inspections, in different countries or regions. The survey studied the following activities: characteristics of structures, inventory, inspections, priority ranking of works, carrying out of operation, preventive maintenance or repair works, management of heavy transport, skill and training, measurement of user satisfaction, measurement of personnel satisfaction, , research and development programs. The purpose of the task was to make a comparison between countries in order to highlight best practice - if possible.
Information sheet
- Date: 2004
- Author(s): Comité technique 11 Ponts et autres Ouvrages routiers / Technical Committee 11 Bridges and Other Structures
- Domain(s): Road Assets Management / Road Bridges
- Type: Bilingual English-French, published in October 2004
- PIARC Ref.: 11.12.BEN
- ISBN: 2-84060-169-9
- Number of pages: 136