International Seminar "Rural roads, connectivity and accesibility for development"
June 21-23, 2022, online, organized from Paraguay
The international seminar was jointly organized by PIARC via its Technical Committee 2.2 "Accessibility and Mobility in Rural Areas", the Paraguayan Road Association (APC) and the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) of Paraguay. This event has provided information on the management of Rural Roads for development.
Preparatory documents for the seminar
International Seminar Program - June 21-23, 2022 Rural roads, connectivity and accesibility accesibility for development |
Day 1 - June 21, 2022
Opening session (13:30-14:00) |
Welcoming Words - Hugo Florentin, President of the Paraguayan Road Association
PIARC Presentation - NazirAlli, President of PIARC
Presentation of Technical Committee 2.2, Accessibility and mobility of rural areas - Souleman Oussiman, Chair of Technical Committee of PIARC 2.2, Burkina Faso
- Official opening of the international seminar - Rodolfo Segovia, Viceminister of Infrastructure of Paraguay
Session 1 (14:00-15:25) |
MOPC investment plan for rural roads - Ing. Rodolfo Segovia, Viceminister of Public Works of Paraguay
Rural accessibility in Burkina Faso - Souleman Oussiman, Chair of Technical Committee 2.2, Burkina Faso
Comprehensive planning of rural access in Mexico - Alfonso Balbuena, Techincal Committee 2.2 and Mexican Institute of Transportation, Mexico
- Assesment of construction and mangement of unpaved roads, experience in the evaluation of LanammeUCR - Luis Diego Herra, Université du Costa Rica
- Q&A for the Session - Moderated by Miguel Caso Florez, PIARC Technical Director
Session 2 (15:35-17:00) |
Accesibility of rural roads in Mali - Cheick Oumar Diallo, Technical Committee 2.2, Mali
Evolution of rural roads in Paraguay - Ing. Fernando Paniagua and Ing. Josè Segovia
- Connectivity in rurality - Mariano Barone, Rural roads committee of the Rural Society of Argentina
Road concessions by service level in the low traffic road network in Peru - Víctor Arévalo, consultant, Peru
Q&A for the Session - Moderated by Miguel Caso Florez, PIARC Technical Director
Day 2 - June 22, 2022
Session 3 (13:30-14:55) |
- Road safety and rural roads - Imen Makhlouf, French Secretary of Technical Committee 2.2 and SETAR, Tunisia
Is there road safety on Rural Roads? - Ing. Juan Emilio Rodriguez Perrotat, International consultant, Argentina
Inclusion of Women in non-traditional trades in Rural Road Improvement Works - Experience in Paraguay - Andrea Peris, ComCom and APC, Paraguay
Q&A for the Session - Moderated by Miguel Caso Florez, PIARC Technical Director
Round table 1 (14:55-15:25) |
- Ing. Raul Quintero - Argentina
- Ing. Marcelo Pizurno - MOPC - Paraguay
- Ing. Juan Emilio Rodriguez Perrotat, International consultant - Argentina
- Ing. Imen Makhlouf, Secretary Technical Committee 2.2 and ATR, Túnez
- Ing. Souleman Oussiman, Chair of Technical Committee 2.2 and GEFA, Burkina Faso
- Moderated by Miguel Caso Florez, PIARC Technical Director
Session 4 (15:35-17:00) |
Rural road design - Ing. Robustiano Pineda and Ing. Juan Manuel Gomez
Paving of rural roads with asphalt mixture - François Chaignon, Technical Committee 2.2 and Colas, France
Argentinean experience on the surface stabilization of unpaved roads - Ing. Bernardino Capra, AAC, Argentine
Basic roads programme in chile - Ernesto Barrera, coordinator PIARC ST 1, Chili
Q&A for the Session - Moderated by Miguel Caso Florez, PIARC Technical Director
Day 3 - June 23, 2022
Session 5 (13:30-14:55) |
Evolution of the Basic Roads Program in Chile and its relationship with Ministry of Finance - Osvaldo Aguayo, Technical Committee 2.2, Chili
Financing rural roads in Paraguay – CAF’s experience - Cristian Dunkerly, CAF Development Bank
Financing Rural roads, case in UK - Paula Claytonsmith, TC 2.2 Secretary and Lcrig, UK
Financing rural roads, succesfull case study in Chaco Province in Argentina - Ing. Carlos Alberto Navarro, Vialidad de Provincia del Chaco - Argentine
- Q&A for the Session - Moderated by Ing. Hugo Miranda - APC Paraguay
Round table 2 (15:05-16:30) |
- Facundo Salinas, Treasury, Paraguay
- Osvaldo Aguayo, Technical Committee 2.2, Chili
- Ing. Hector Varela, CAF Development Bank
- Ing. Carlos Alberto Navarro, Vialidad de Provincia del Chaco, Argentine
- Alejandra Caldo, BID
- Moderated by Ing. Fabio Riveros - Direction of Road Planning MOPC - Paraguay
Closing Session (16:30-16:50) |
- Technical Conclusions of the Seminar - Souleman Oussiman, President of Technical Committee 2.2, Burkina Faso
- Closing remarks - Ing. Guillermo Mas Duarte, APC, Paraguay