Publications Routes / Roads Design of inter-urban roads
This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of design of inter-urban roads. These publications are classified chronologically.
PIARC Prize - Road Design, Construction, Maintenance and Operation - Bridge Monitoring and Data-Driven Structural Asset Management
Balancing transport productivity and risk of bridge damage requires sound engineering judgments. The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is closing the loop between the assumptions and rules underpinning heavy vehicle access to bridges, observed bridge responses and heavy vehicle behaviour through the application of bridge and traffic monitoring, weigh-in-motion, video, and data analytics, and engineering fundamentals.
XXVI World Road Congress – Abu Dhabi, October 2019 Connecting Cultures, Enabling Economies - General Report
The General Report of the XXVI World Road Congress has been prepared by GHD under contract with the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport, on behalf of the United Arab Emirates. It has not been possible to include the conclusions of all sessions in this report. They will be available from PIARC’s website.
Innovation policy adopted by Morocco's Roads Directorate
This article describes Morocco's Roads Directorate policy of innovation through the legal framework of the Government to stimulate corporate actions, along with: the financing of projects of qualitative benefit to this sector, the launch of a regional program to create innovative clusters, and subsidies for competition and innovation centers.
"Young Professionals" Prize
"Young Professionals" Prize
"Best innovation" Prize, Maurice Milne Medal
"Best innovation" Prize, Maurice Milne Medal
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