International Seminars on Urban Mobility
This page lists the proceedings of international seminars organized by the Technical Committees of PIARC in the field of earthworks. These seminars are classified chronologically.

- Buenos Aires (Argentina), 15-17 May 2023, Road mobility projects in urban regions and their Impact on the environment organised jointly by PIARC's Technical committee 2.1 "Mobility in Urban Areas", PIARC National Committee in Argentina and the road administration Vialidad Nacional.
- Tunis (Tunisia), 23-15 November 2022, Sustainable Mobility for Resilient Cities and Peri-Urban Regions organised jointly by the Tunisian Association of Roads (ATR), the Ministry of Equipment and Housing (MEH), the Ministry of Transport (MT), the National Federation of Tunisian Communes (FNCT) and PIARC's Technical committee 2.1 "Mobility in Urban Areas".
- Cape Town (South Africa), 05-07 November 2018, Integrated Road Transport and Mobility jointly organized by the Technical Committees B.1, B.3 and B.4.
- Makassar (Indonesia), 05-06 November 2014, Improving Mobility in Urban Areas co-organized by the Technical Committee 2.2, the Institute of Road Engineering of Indonesia (IRE), and the Indonesian Road Development Association (IRDA) along with the City of Makassar, VicRoads (Australie), and Indonesia Transport Society (MTI).
- Santiago de Chile (Chile), 13-14 April 2011, Improved Mobility in Urban Areas, Freight and Intermodality organized by the Technical Committees B.3 and B.4.
- Cracow (Poland), 21-22 September 2005, Urban pavements organized by the Technical Committee 4.3.