Road Disaster Management - Using Latest Information Technologies - Briefing Note

An international workshop was jointly organized by PIARC via its Technical Committee 1.5 “Disaster Management" and the JARA (Japan Road Association). The event was greatly cooperated by REAAA (Regional Association of Asia and Australasia) via its Climate Change, Resilience and Emergency Management Committee. The event was also friendly cooperated by PIARC TC 1.4 (Climate Change and Resilience of Road Networks) and PIARC TC 4.2 (Bridges). This event provides information on the Road disaster management Using latest information technologies through world case studies on disaster management.
This workshop aimed to share world case studies on disaster management. The goal of the workshop was to exchange latest disaster management technologies. The workshop invited eight speakers and seven panelists from nine countries and regions all over the world. It included discussions of most updated information and communication in disaster management, financial aspects of disaster management, and panel discussion of strategies and tools for road disaster resilience.
This workshop discussed that the continuing information exchange on good knowledge and best practices sharing of new infrastructure, rehabilitation, and retrofit technologies for climate change adaptation and disaster resilience will save the money and time and make acceleration for building the resilience society not only in LMICs but also in HICs.
Information sheet
- Date: 2022
- Author(s): Comité technique / Technical Committee / Comité Técnico 2020-2023 1.5 - Gestion des Catastrophes / Disaster Management / Gestión de Catástrofes
- Domain(s): Risk Management
- Type: Briefing Note
- PIARC Ref.: 2022R29EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-72
- Number of pages: 23