Guide to implement freight vehicle transport management

This guide was prepared as an introduction to road freight transport management (RFTM) in an urban environment and to provide practical information.
After a presentation of the objectives of R FTM, the report describes the different stages leading from the establishment of a partnership between the different stakeholders to the selection of measures. It deals also with the implementation of a pilot program and its evaluation.
A set of case studies is presented from which lessons are learned. The report identifies the key factors of success, possible barriers and it makes recommendations on how to overcome the problems.
This guide is extracted from the report "Public sector governance over urban freight transport" (2012R15EN).
Information sheet
- Date: 2012
- Author(s): Comité technique B.4 Transport de marchandises et intermodalité / Technical Committee B.4 Freight transport and intermodality
- Domain(s): Freight Transport
- Type: 2012R16EN - Technical Report
- PIARC Ref.: 2012R16EN
- ISBN: 978-2-84060-276-8
- Number of pages: 50