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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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IIIrd World Road Congress - London 1913 - Communications


1. Section: Construction and Maintenance

  • Communication 1: Improvements adopted since the Second Congress in Machinery in the construction and Maintenance of Macadamised Roads
  • Communication 2: Test of Materials used in the Construction of Macadamised Roads
  • Communication 3: Construction of Waterbound Macadamised Roads
  • Communication 4: Technical and Economic Study of the Comparative Advantages of different Types of Roads
  • Communication 5: Various Types of Stone Paving in use

2. Section: Construction and Maintenance

  • Communication 6: Direction and Distance Sign Posts
  • Communication 7: Development since the Second Congress of Self-propelled Public Service Vehicles
  • Communication 8: Qualités à exiger des ingénieurs et agents chargés de la construction et de l'entretien des routes
  • Communication 9: Statistics of Cost of Construction and Maintenance
  • Communication 10: Terminology adopted or to be adopted in each country relating to Road Construction and Maintenance

1. Section: Construction and Maintenance.

1. Communication:

Improvements adopted since the Second Congress in Machinery in the construction and Maintenance of Macadamised Roads.

Communication 2

Test of Materials used in the Construction of Macadamised Roads.

Communication 3

Construction of Waterbound Macadamised Roads.

Communication 4

Technical and Economic Study of the Comparative Advantages of different Types of Roads.

Communication 5

Various Types of Stone Paving in use.

2. Section: Construction and Maintenance

Communication 6

Direction and Distance Sign Posts.

Communication 7

Development since the Second Congress of Self-propelled Public Service Vehicles.

Communication 8

Qualités à exiger des ingénieurs et agents chargés de la construction et de l'entretien des routes.

Communication 9

Statistics of Cost of Construction and Maintenance.

Communication 10

Terminology adopted or to be adopted in each country relating to Road Construction and Maintenance.