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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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IInd World Road Congress - Brussels 1910 - Communications


1ère Section. Construction et Entretien

  • Communication 1. Use of machanically driven petrol motor rollers
  • Communication 2. Road making tools and implements other than mechanically driven rollers scarifiers, etc
  • Communication 3. Various materials in use for the purposes of construction and maintenance. Conditions to fulfill; tests; units to be adopted
  • Communication 5. Construction of footways in towns

2ème Section. Circulation et exploitation

  • Communication 6. Road signs. Measures taken to carry out the resolutions of the Paris Congress
  • Communication 7. Various kinds of soft tyres. Use, advantages, disadvantages, etc.
  • Communication 8. Census of traffic and tonnage. Methods in use and results obtained. Units adopted

1ère Section. Construction et Entretien.

1. Communication. Use of machanically driven petrol motor rollers.

2. Communication. Road making tools and implements other than mechanically driven rollers scarifiers, etc

3. Communication.Various materials in use for the purposes of construction and maintenance. Conditions to fulfill; tests; units to be adopted.

4. Communication. Construction of footways in towns.

5. Communication. Removal of snow and ice

2ème Section. Circulation et exploitation.

6. Communication. Road signs. Measures taken to carry out the resolutions of the Paris Congress.

7. Communication. Various kinds of soft tyres. Use, advantages, disadvantages, etc.

8. Communication. Census of traffic and tonnage. Methods in use and results obtained. Units adopted