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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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All PIARC Publications

There are 67 results for your search

  • Evaluating the performance of automated pavement cracking measurement equipment

    Crack type, severity and extent are among the most important data of a pavement management system. This report prepared by Technical Committee 4.2 Road/Vehicle Interactions of the World Road Association presents: A series of objective rules to measure and classify cracks in order to improve the [...]

    • Date : 2012
    • Pages : 28
    • PIARC Ref. : 2012R10EN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-251-2
  • Evaluating the performance of automated pavement cracking measurement equipment

    Crack type, severity and extent are among the most important data used to identify maintenance and repair actions. The use of automated crack measurement systems is increasing although performance tests of these devices are only conducted infrequently, and these are very often incomplete and non-uniform. [...]

    • Date : 2008
    • Pages : 59
    • PIARC Ref. : 2008R14EN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-214-8
  • Review of the growth and development of recycling in pavement construction

    This report presents an overview of the use of recycling techniques in pavement construction in many countries. It highlights the barriers to recycling and describes systems and approaches that assist in overcoming these barriers. The incentives that are discussed are related to client awareness, [...]

    • Date : 2008
    • Pages : 203
    • PIARC Ref. : 2008R05EN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-205-9
  • Promoting optimal use of local materials

    This document aims to: • identify the progress made over the last decade with respect to soil and/or rock treatments in the area of road earthworks, and more specifically since the publication of PIARC's 1997 report: "Equipment and Methods Specific to Soil Treatment Work"; • look at developments [...]

    • Date : 2007
    • Pages : 83
    • PIARC Ref. : 2007R09EN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-196-6

    Minimum Equipment Required CD-ROUTE can be used on PC (386 at least, Windows 3.1, 95 & NT) and Macintosh® (68020 at least), Power Mac®, Mac OS version 7. Minimum equipment required: 16 Mo RAM, a hard disk and a 14'' colour screen (256 colours or more). The program is very easy to install. [...]

    • Date : 2000
  • Modelling Road Deterioration and Works Effects in HDM-4

    This document is the sixth volume in the series of seven volumes of HDM-4 documentation. It gives a detailed description of the road deterioration and works effects (RDWE) models currently in HDM-4 and provides some background to their development, particularly from HDM-III to HDM-4. Also included are [...]

    • Date : 2004
    • Pages : 296
    • PIARC Ref. : HDM4-Volume6EN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-103-6
  • Modelling Road User and Environmental Effects in HDM-4

    This document is the seventh volume in the series of seven volumes of HDM-4 documentation. It covers modelling road user and environmental effects (RUEE). The report presents an overview of how they are introduced in studies and describes representative vehicles. The second section deals with road [...]

    • Date : 2004
    • Pages : 412
    • PIARC Ref. : HDM4-Volume7EN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-103-6
  • Impacts of road construction and maintenance activities on road users and the adjacent land use

    This technical report synthesizes information on techniques to reduce the impact of road construction, rehabilitation and maintenance activities on road users (driving public and construction workers) and the adjacent land use (homeowners, businesses, etc.). The study included a survey to collect [...]

    • Date : 2007
    • Pages : 133
    • PIARC Ref. : 2007R05EN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-194-X
  • A Fact Finding Review of Performance Specifications in 2002

    This document is an awareness-raising review of the current state of the art for performance specifications. It provides insight into three important areas of performance specification and presents the responses to an international questionnaire on the subject. The three important areas of discussion [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 48
    • PIARC Ref. : 78.01.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-152-4
  • Achieving and Maintaining the Evenness of Concrete Pavements

    Whereas concrete pavements have well-known advantages (long life, resistance to permanent deformations, etc.) over flexible pavements, the main disadvantages often mentioned are a certain lack of comfort as a result of neglected surface evenness, and a high level of rolling noise. Developments in construction [...]

    • Date : 1991
    • Pages : 48
    • PIARC Ref. : 07.03.BEN
  • Airfield Pavements

    This document presents the proceedings of a Workshop organized in Montreal in September 1995 by the PIARC Technical Committees on Surface Characteristics (C1), Concrete Roads (C7) and Flexible Roads (C8). The proceedings include future demands on airfield pavements, show similarities and differences [...]

    • Date : 1996
    • Pages : 344
    • PIARC Ref. : 07.07.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-042-0
  • Automated Pavement Cracking Assessment Equipment - State of the Art

    The type, scope (length) and severity (opening) of cracks in the pavement are essential for road network managers. This information is used to qualify the condition of the pavement and identify the source of surface deterioration. Despite the fact that many highway companies and authorities have invested [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 80
    • PIARC Ref. : 01.08.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-156-7
  • Bituminous Materials with a High Resistance to Flow Rutting

    After recalling the mechanisms of rutting, this publication identifies the main parameters affecting resistance to rutting in bituminous materials, presents the methods of characterizing this resistance, the methods of calculating rut depth and the practical mix design methods aimed in particular at [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • Pages : 160
    • PIARC Ref. : 08.03.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-028-5
  • CD-7802 - Pavement Recycling (Guidelines)

    This document, realised by the PIARC Technical Committee on Road Pavements (C7/8), is avaible only on CD-ROM. It contains three different guidelines: cold in place recycling of pavements with cement, cold in place recycling of pavements with bitumen emulsion or foamed bitumen, and hot mix [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 160
    • PIARC Ref. : 78.02.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-153-2
  • Choice of Materials and Design of Flexible Pavements for Severe Traffic and Climates

    The rapid development of traffic, in particular commercial vehicles (CVs) within the last ten years, the development of the design of commercial vehicles and the variations in climate due to disturbances in the atmosphere have led to increased pavement damage. These changes have led to reviews of flexible [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 196
    • PIARC Ref. : 08.06.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-115-X
  • Combating Concrete Pavement Slab Pumping - State-of-the-art and Recommendations

    The purpose of this document drafted by the PIARC Technical Committee on Concrete Roads is to provide advice to designers and managers of pavements in service. This will allow a significant increase of concrete pavement service life by controlling the changes in concrete surfacing support conditions [...]

    • Date : 1986
    • Pages : 116
    • PIARC Ref. : 07.01.BEN
  • Concrete Roads - Practical Guidelines for Technology Transfer

    This report was drafted by the PIARC Technical Committee on Concrete Roads in close co-operation with the PIARC Technical Committee on Roads in Developing Regions. It clarifies the main points of the concrete road technique and is intended for various categories of people concerned with pavement [...]

    • Date : 1987
    • Pages : 116
    • PIARC Ref. : 07.02.BEN
  • Containment Devices on Road Bridges

    Drafted by the PIARC Technical Committee on Road Bridges, this report deals with the study of equipment on the outer side of road bridges, i.e. located between the carriageway and the free edge, whose function is to ensure safety of users and frontagers. The report has used the replies to a survey [...]

    • Date : 1991
    • Pages : 100
    • PIARC Ref. : 11.01.BEN
  • Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements

    This report gathers the main features of the state of the art on continuously reinforced concrete in 23 states (Australia, Belgium, France, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of South Africa, Spain, United Kingdom, and 12 states of the United States). The aim of the report [...]

    • Date : 1994
    • Pages : 72
    • PIARC Ref. : 07.06.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-006-4
  • Environmental and Health Aspects Related to Working with Bituminous Mixtures

    This report describes the arrangements made to limit the impact of dust and gaseous emissions in particular, both at the production and laying stage of bituminous mixtures. It also reviews the state of the art in the evaluation of health risks to workers on paver, with emphasis on the large difference [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • Pages : 32
    • PIARC Ref. : 08.04.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-032-3
  • Evaluation and maintenance of concrete pavements

    The road asset of a country or region is of considerable value. Owners who have chosen to invest in concrete pavements for all or part of their road network or their airfields have often done so hoping to obtain a lasting infrastructure and a guarantee of maintaining traffic in all weather conditions. [...]

    • Date : 1992
    • Pages : 160
    • PIARC Ref. : 07.04.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-002-1
  • Flexible Pavement - Evolution of Specifications and Quality Systems to Deliver Performance

    Specifications for bituminous materials in highway construction are continuously evolving. At an early stage, they were more intuitive and based on engineering judgement. They were called method or recipe specifications in which the client specified the materials and procedures that the contractor had [...]

    • Date : 2000
    • Pages : 168
    • PIARC Ref. : 08.08.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-117-6
  • In Situ Assessment of Subgrade Materials

    It is important to be able to forecast the performance of the subgrade, especially its acceptable limits of deformation derived for both the construction stage and during the working life of the pavement. Ten types of in situ test apparatus are described briefly and comparisons made between them, setting [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • Pages : 120
    • PIARC Ref. : 12.01.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-030-7
  • Innovative Pavement Design

    The sub-group 2 of the PIARC Technical Committee on Road Pavements (C7/8) includes 24 representatives belonging to 18 countries. The task assigned to this group was to identify, analyse and recommend innovative pavement typologies corresponding to needs really expressed by the different countries and [...]

    • Date : 2003
    • Pages : 144
    • PIARC Ref. : 78.03.BEN
    • ISBN : 2-84060-155-9
  • International Experiment to Compare and Harmonize Skid Resistance and Texture Measurements

    This document presents the International Experiment involving 41 friction and texture measuring devices that operated on 58 locations (including 10 airfield runways) in Spain and Belgium in September-October 1992. The analysis of the results and conclusions bear on correlations between texture measuring [...]

    • Date : 1995
    • Pages : 430
    • PIARC Ref. : 01.04.TEN
    • ISBN : 84-87825-96-6