ROUTES/ROADS Magazine - Previous issues available

The PIARC magazine

Your quarterly magazine on roads and road transport
Read the online magN° 338 — Road safety - Corruption - Climate change
2nd Quarter 2008 / April
Contents of Routes/Roads magazine N° 338
par Ginny CLARKE
What's new?
- Calendar
- News : PIARC Executive Committee meeting in Quebec - PIARC Technical Committee meetings in Paris - Nominations
- Communications : United States, Mexico, Sweden
- Network Safety Management - From Case Study to Application - François GANNEAU, Kerstin LEMKE
- Non-motorised trips, sustainable yet vulnerable! - Benoît BEROUD, Pascal VAN DEN NOORT
- Road transport and disabled people - Maria NYMAN
- Preventing Corruption on Road Projects - Catherine Stansbury, Neill STANSBURY
- Vulnerability of the road network to coastal processes in Eastern Quebec: impact of climate change - Jean-Pierre SAVARD, André MUSY
- Transportation and climate change: potential implications for California's transportation system - Randell IWASAKI, Reza NAVAI
- Roads and climate change in mountainous regions: keeping a cool head when resolving a hot issue - Aurèle PARRIAUX
Note to the authors
96 pages, bilingual French-English.
PIARC President: Colin Jordan (Australia)
Director of Publication: Jean-François Corté
Editor in chief: Franck Charmaison
Art direction: Céline Le Graciet
Publishing Assistant: Cécile Aurousseau
Translations: Marie Pastol (AIPCR-PIARC), Isabelle Chemin, Isabelle Couté-Rodriguez, Robert Sachs
Also with the participation of: Roger Apharel, Leanne Grant (AIPCR-PIARC)
Printing: IMB (France) ; Diffusion: GIS (France)
Price of a single copy: 20 €
Subscription (4 issues a year): 60 €
ISSN : 0004-556 X
Submit an article
Authors may or may not be members of the Association. Articles are subject to peer review, with technical committees of PIARC or outside experts to decide on publication.
Information on the life of the Association completes the magazine.
To submit an article for Routes/Roads, see the note to authors.