XVIth World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress Proceedings - Calgary 2022
Online, February 07-11, 2022
The XVIth World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress was held online on 07-11 February 2022. The overall theme for the Congress was "Adapting to a Changing World".
The Congress was attended by 785 participants from 53 countries who participated in 60 sessions under two complementary themes: Winter Service and, new for 2022, Road Resilience (in all seasons).
- Proceedings of Calgary Congress 2022
- Congress Topics - Calgary 2022
- Congress Bulletins
- Routes/Roads Magazine N° 392 and 393
Proceedings of Calgary Congress 2022
The Final Proceedings of the XVIth World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress are
now available, as a dedicated website, at the following address: https://proceedings-calgary2022.piarc.org/
Calgary 2022 was a completely different Congress from any other PIARC Congress, with several ‘firsts’:
- First Winter Congress to include another theme— Resilience—which is so important to PIARC member countries
- Fully online with content available ‘live’ and ‘on demand’ across 24 time zones
- Easy access from anywhere; only limitation was personal internet connection
The two strategic themes of the Congress allowed the organisers to have a Keynote Speaker for each theme: Max Perchanok on Winter Service, and Dr. Jean Andrey on Resilience. Simultaneous interpretation was provided in Spanish, French, and English for the Keynote Speakers, and all plenary and technical sessions to ensure that all delegates would benefit from attending this international event. PIARC honoured the best papers with its traditional Awards, which are featured in our magazine Routes/Roads.
A total of 785 participants from 53 countries gathered online with 60 sessions for this XVI World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress.
Congress Topics - Calgary 2022
"Adapting to a Changing World"
There were over 50 technical sessions under two complementary themes: Winter Service and, new for 2022, Road Resilience (ina all seasonds). This is reflected in the 15 topics of the international call for papers.
Topic 1. Extreme winter situations in cold climate areas
Topic 2. Effect of climate change on winter service
Topic 3. Road weather information
Topic 4. New technologies and methods in winter service
Topic 5. Winter maintenance management
Topic 6. Road user communications and connected and autonomous vehicles during winter
Topic 7. Winter service in urban areas
Topic 8. Best practices for increasing resilience in road networks
Topic 9. Disaster and Risk Management
Topic 10. Improving resilience of Road Network Operations through ITS and new technologies
Topic 11. Resilient pavements
Topic 12. Bridge resilience considering natural hazards
Topic 13. Resilience of Earth Structures to natural hazards
Topic 14. Resilience: measures to keep a road tunnel safely available for traffic under varying circumstances
Topic 15. Resilience of Roads and Roads transport
Congress Bulletins
Routes/Roads Magazine N° 392 and 393
About Calgary
The City of Calgary is an exciting business centre and an outstanding meeting and convention destination. As the fourth-largest city in Canada, Calgary has a lot to offer visitors from around the world. In the downtown alone, you can discover over 1,000 shops, 200 restaurants and 50 entertainment spots. Within the city there are also 8,000 hectares of open space and parkland to explore.
As the urban backbone of Western Canada’s corporate and financial community, Calgary has come to symbolize rapid growth, enhanced quality of life and a future of unlimited horizons. Within this cosmopolitan small town, delegates and patrons will enjoy Calgary’s safe environment, cleanliness and legendary western hospitality. Not to mention the tantalizing array of pre- and post-meeting adventures awaiting you in the spectacular Canadian Rockies, only an hour’s drive from the city’s centre.

PIARC (World Road Association)
Mail : info@piarc.org