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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Publications Routes/Roads Road safety

This page lists Routes/Roads articles of PIARC in the field of road safety. These publications are classified chronologically.

  • Emergency Communications At The Forth Bridges

    Scotland’s Forth Bridges provide a pertinent case study on the use of web media and social networks to manage emergencies on an important transport link.In June 2015 the Scottish Ministers, through their agency Transport Scotland, appointed a new Operating Company to take over the management and maintenance of the Forth Road Bridge. They chose to keep and evolve existing web-based communication channels in order to retain followers and capitalise on established trust and goodwill.

  • XXVI World Road Congress – Abu Dhabi, October 2019 Connecting Cultures, Enabling Economies - General Report

    The General Report of the XXVI World Road Congress has been prepared by GHD under contract with the Abu Dhabi Department of Transport, on behalf of the United Arab Emirates. It has not been possible to include the conclusions of all sessions in this report. They will be available from PIARC’s website.

  • Vulnerable Road Users on Rural Highways - A Malaysian Perspective

    Une personne meurt toutes les 30 secondes sur les routes à travers le monde et ce chiffre, donné par les statistiques mondiales d’accidentalité, s’alourdit. La Malaisie, où la motorisation et la population ont augmenté rapidement ces trente dernières années, est victime de ce triste scénario, à une moindre échelle toutefois. Si le pays ne redouble pas d’efforts pour enrayer la situation, les accidents de la route rejoindront le VIH/SIDA parmi les principales causes de mortalité [...]

  • Vulnerable Road Users on Rural Highways: A South African Perspective

    Available publications, guidelines and manuals on road safety tend to relate to Vulnerable Road Users in the context of high income or developed countries (HICs). However, the factors affecting road safety in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) does not always align with the experience in HICs. These factors may include the standard of road infrastructure, general maintenance practices, availability of different transport modes, law enforcement and general road user behaviour. This article highlights [...]

  • Road Safety Issues in Latin America - Interview

    Hilda Gómez, Head of road safety at the Latin American development bank (CAF), Colombia Associate member of Technical Committee C.1 National Road Safety Policies and Programs of the World Road Association