PIARC statutory meetings 2023
Published on 28 November 2023.
This year, PIARC's National Committees and Council met in Prague before the 27th World Road Congress opened its doors.

A wide range of topics were discussed, including the excellent progress made by the Technical Committees and Task Forces over the period 2020-2023, with more than 80 reports published, the Strategic Plan and the Communication Strategy 2024-2027 which were approved, and the National Committees' action plan. The Council appointed Shigeru KIKUKAWA (Japan) as Honorary Vice-President, and Roberto AGUERREBERE (Mexico), Hector BONILLA (Mexico), Oscar GUTIERREZ-BOLIVAR (Spain) and Marie-Claude PETIT (Canada) as Honorary Members.
The Council also decided on the next PIARC Congresses. The Chambéry Congress will be held from 10 to 13 March 2026 and will deal with winter service and resilience issues. Finally, after an intense competition, the host of the next World Road Congress was chosen: congratulations to Canada and see you in Vancouver in October 2027!