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PIARC (World Road Association), founded in 1909 and comprising 125 member governments from all over the world, is the global forum for exchange of knowledge and experience on roads, road transport policies and practices. With consultative status to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, the Association is contributing to a stable and sustainable global development of the road and transport sector.

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Get the new issue of the World Road Association's Routes/Roads magazine, all about autonomous vehicles

The magazine is now available in three languages and has been given a makeover!

The new issue of the World Road Association's quarterly magazine is now available in three language versions: English, Spanish and French

The new issue of the World Road Association's quarterly magazine is now available in an electronic version, as well as in hardcopy.

This latest issue provides a comprehensive overview of autonomous driving. The issue has been put together by Jacques Ehrlich (France), Chairman of the B1 Technical Committee on Road Network Operations/Intelligent Transportation Systems and takes a number of different looks at this topical issue that the Association has decided to look into, insofar as road authorities and operators are becoming aware of the responsibilities that they have in implementing these new technologies.

The various parties involved are going to have to take up a number of challenges in the future and this new issue of Routes/Roads is evidence of the Association's willingness to make a significant contribution to the issue of autonomous vehicles.

Routes/Roads gets a makeover!

Featuring new graphics to make the reading experience more pleasant, issue 373 of the World Road Association's magazine is now available in three language versions: English, Spanish and French - the Association's three working languages. This will considerably expand the magazine's readership throughout the world.

Furthermore, and also as part of the World Road Association's new communications and promotional strategy, advertising is now encouraged in Routes/Roads. Public Works & civil engineering companies, research and technical institutes, road authorities and network operators are now being invited to use the World Road Association's magazine as a means of showcasing their services and products, thus shoring up the publication's utility.

Routes/Roads is also available in digital format, for reading on a screen and on various devices (PC, tablet computer, mobile phone). The whole magazine can be downloaded and read at any time, even off-line.

So don't delay - find out what's inside!

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