NEWSLETTER N°96 April 2021
partnership policy aims at connecting us to international organisations dealing
with roads or transport. This is to enrich our approaches and analyses, and
sometimes even to develop joint projects. It also ensures that road
infrastructure and road transport services are given the recognition and
consideration they deserve.
In this spirit, PIARC has invited its partners
to design sessions for the Calgary Congress, to be held virtually in February
2022. These
"forward-looking sessions" will be co-constructed around the themes
of the Congress, winter service and resilience [...] >> Read more
April 2021, online
PIARC’s Technical Committee 4.3
met up virtually for the third time since the start of the 2020-2023 work
cycle. After the kick-off meetings in January 2020, Technical Committees will
meet on a bi-annual basis to discuss the progress of their research. In the
case of TC 4.3 “Earthworks”, this work focuses on the improvement of the
resilience of earth structures to natural hazards, and in particular on the
identification of technologies and innovations in their construction and
Learn more about PIARC’s Technical Committee 4.3 “Earthworks”
8 April
2021, online Miguel
Caso Florez, PIARC Technical Director, took part in this webinar organized by
PIARC National Committee in Spain, ATC, about the future of road pavements.
Miguel presented the impact on the pavements of Electric Road Systems, systems
able to recharge electric vehicles while moving on the road. The impact depends
largely in the ERS that it is implemented, whether it is an inductive system
embedded 5 to 10 cm deep in the pavements, or it is a rail inside the pavement
surface or on top of the pavement surface, or yet a rail in the lateral
barriers or the catenary. >> Watch the clip here
April 2021, online
experts from Strategic Theme 1 “Road Administration” met up virtually in the week
of April 19. The team reviewed the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
on the topics of the Technical Committees and Task Forces, particularly
regarding the Seminars, Conference and Workshops program, and how it could be
taken into account.
Learn more about PIARC’s Strategic Theme 1 “Road Administrations”
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“In the current health crisis,
with the need for effective ideas, and, taking into account that public
transport is a major source of contagion, it is worthwhile, and I would say
essential and politically and socially appropriate, to listen to the different
experiences described by @PIARC_Roads”
“"Pavements in good condition reduce greenhouse gases for the
entire sector by reducing 99% of the emissions produced by vehicles driving on
them," says @miguelcasof of @PIARC_Roads.
his presentation at #IRMD2021 at: http://ow.ly/sWQ650EjeUq”
“It is thanks to experts and practitioners like
Olivier Quoy @a63_landes that @PIARC_Roads works and can organize knowledge
to @_ITSFr and PIARC France for this webinar dedicated to #COVID and
Issue 388 of PIARC’s
magazine, “Routes/Roads”, is dedicated to freight transport. This topic is of
prime importance, as highlighted by the Covid 19 crisis, due to the
importance of maintaining logistics chains.
This is illustrated
by 7 articles from a wide range of geographical locations [...]
>> Read more
In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic took hold across
the world, creating massive impacts and challenges for multiple sectors,
including roads and transport. PIARC acted rapidly, forming a COVID-19 Response
Team and initiating a programme of knowledge-sharing webinars. The Response Team also launched a global survey. The
intention was to assess how road and transport agencies, operators and other
organizations [...]
>> Read more
There are increasing concerns about the issues related
to freight transport on highways and motorways, including traffic congestion,
lack of capacity, traffic safety, GHG (Green House Gas) emissions, local
emissions, noise and vibrations. [...]
>> Read more
PIARC Events
May 2021
18-19 May 2021
PIARC will be there
PIARC National Committees
11 May 2021 Spanish National Committee
28 May 2021 Italian
National Committee