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January 2023

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For the beginning of the year 2023, our President Nazir ALLI shares his best wishes in video. Watch his warm message!


PIARC wishes you all an excellent year 2023! 

In 2022, encounters have increased and allowed our exchanges and discussions to evolve.

We hope to keep this momentum for this last straight line towards the 27th World Road Congress, which will take place in Prague (Czech Republic), from 2 to 6 October.

This year, let’s get together on the road again!

>> World Road Congress 2023 <<

Discover the issue of Routes/Roads magazine that closed the year 2022! 

N° 395 — Road Network Operation / Intelligent Transportation Systems

The year ended with an issue of Routes/Roads on road network operation and intelligent transportation systems.

This issue highlights various news items, including:

- Decarbonisation, a Key Goal to Ensure Sustainable Roads in France

- PIARC and IENE’s Cooperation to Mainstream Biodiversity and Road Infrastructure for Tomorrow’s Sustainable Mobility in France

- Inclusion of Women in Non-Traditional Jobs within the Scope of Rural Road Improvement Work in Paraguay

In this issue, the following features are presented:

- Efforts in MaaS Promotion in Japan

- The Road to Mobility as a Service

- Guidelines to Develop MaaS Services in Italy

- Future of Transport Context in the UK

- Singapore’s Expressways Management through ITS Solutions

>> Download this issue of Routes/Roads <<

Congratulations to our Task Force 1.3 for its successful webinar! 

14 December 2022, online

In December, the Task Force 1.3 " Well-Prepared Projects in Low and Middle-Income Countries" organised the webinar "Low income countries - Impact of ecology and climate transition on road project preparation: financing, training, technical standards".

This Task Force is a follow-up to Task Force 1.1 "Well-prepared projects" which produced two reports in 2022. These reports are available on our website.

However, the participation of low and middle income countries was very limited.

Therefore, this new Task Force focuses in particular on the issues of financing project studies and the role of development banks.

Watch this webinar on our Youtube channel soon!

>> Task Force 1.3 "Well-Prepared Projects in Low and Middle-Income Countries" <<

PIARC took part in the 102nd TRB annual meeting

8-12 January, Washington, DC (USA)

As most years, PIARC had a strong presence at the USA’s Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. With more than 10 000 registered participants, i.e. pre-pandemic levels, it confirmed its position as a landmark event for the international transport community and indicated that people are definitely eager to meet in-person again.

Many PIARC Committee experts from all over the world joined sessions as speakers or panelists. Among others, Gina Alstom (USA) and Pascal Rossigny (France) presented PIARC’s ongoing work on decarbonisation and on electric road systems in a workshop dedicated to decarbonisation. That workshop was co-presided by Patrick Mallejacq (Secretary General) and involved several of our partner organisations. It will be very useful for what is now be a priority topic for our Association.

Meetings were organised with Victoria Sheehan, the new executive director of TRB, and with Gloria Shepherd, the new executive director of the Federal Highways Administration and PIARC’s First delegate for the USA, in order to review projects and priorities.

Last but not least, a PIARC stand on the exhibitors acted as a meeting point for our experts and partners. We were able to successfully promoted the upcoming World Road Congress as well as our many reports and outputs. 

Don’t miss the Special Project on decarbonisation! 

Carbon Neutrality of The Road Sector

The highways sector faces the competing opportunities and threats of making the road system deliver its benefits in a decarbonised world and of supporting economic growth. Therefore, PIARC asked Maple Consulting to analyse how the road sector was facing the challenges of decarbonisation, addressing the following questions:

- what contributions can the road sector make without impacting customer service?

- what areas are within the control of road agencies to reduce emissions and?

- how can we make sure solutions are implementable by low to middle income countries?

The project identified that much early progress has been made across all development levels to establish policies and pledges to decarbonise road transport. A number of strategic and technology options have been identified based on actual implementation in various countries, on construction and maintenance of road infrastructure, decarbonisation of road user vehicles, operations on the road network, road user choices and carbon offsetting. This confirms that road administration and operators across the globe are already striving to address decarbonization. Available solutions can already be replicated by their peers.

>> Download the report <<


Now available on the @PIARC_Roads website

The presentations of the International Workshop "Bridge Inspection" held in Madrid last September are now available on the @PIARC_Roads website. It was attended by 25 members of PIARC TC 4.2 "Bridges" and over 200 participants.


Oads do play a major role in ecarbonization

Thank you Gina Ahlstrom @TheFHWAOnline for presenting best practice, recommendations and case studies from our recent @PIARC_Roads study!


Survey on Winter Maintenance in the City 

While winter maintenance in rural areas is a relatively well-known topic, it is less so in urban areas, although there are more and more presentations on this topic at PIARC winter maintenance conferences and a specific winter maintenance theme is proposed.

>> Read here

Electric Road Systems 

The collection of case studies report on electric road systems (ERS) provides an overview of the activities of PIARC Task Force 2.2 to date. This includes an overview of the tasks and activities of the Task Force as well as the progress made to date in terms of collection and review [...]

>> Read here

Damage-Resilient Bridges in Seismic Areas 

Resilient Infrastructure is the fourth Strategic Theme defined by PIARC in the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan. During this cycle, Technical Committee 4.2 Road Bridges was assigned 5 issues. The fifth issue, titled “Damage-Resilient Bridges in Seismic Areas”, was consistent [...]

>> Read here


PIARC Events

International Seminar "Sustainability and Disaster Management for Roads" 

February 8-11, 2023
Cancun (Mexico)

International Seminar "Bridge inspection and rehabilitation techniques" 

February 22-24, 2023
Tunis (Tunisia)

International Pavement Seminar 

March 06-09, 2023
Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

International Seminar "Performance-based Asset Management of Land Transport Infrastructure and Services for Sustainable Development" 

March 7-9, 2023
Dakar (Senegal)

International Seminar "Advances in Design, Construction and Operation of Tunnels" 

April 19-21, 2023
Dehradun (India)

PIARC National Committees

Asphalt 2023 Meetings 

January 25, 2023
Paris (France)

Find all the events in the calendar 

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