NEWSLETTER N°94 February 2021
Dear colleagues and friends, The "Road Safety Manual" is a reference which was developed by PIARC to share road safety knowledge with the greatest possible number of people. The manual started in 2003 as a printed compendium. Since 2015, the manual is presented in a new form: a website, accessible to all, free of charge. It is based on the principles of the Safe System and on the United Nations road safety pillars. It is structured in twelve main chapters which are intended to be educational, as each subject is accompanied by case studies and numerous illustrations, and it benefits from tools such as a glossary and search functionalities [...] >> Read more
Technical Committees have a 4-year work cycle to explore their subjects in detail. Task Forces, however, focus on emerging topics and have shorter delivery times and more compact mandates. This is because their topics are urgent, and PIARC member countries need a quicker answer. All Technical Committees started their work cycle in January 2020, while the two new Task Forces, with their shorter work cycle of only 2 years, kicked off in November. Watch Jan Pettersson, chair of Task Forces 2.2 Electric Road Systems, and Mariusz Kieć, chair of TF 4.1 Road Design Standards, present the work of their respective TFs for the 2020-2023 work cycle. >> Watch their interviews here!
The Polish Cement Association and EUPAVE are organising the 14th International Symposium on Concrete Roads from 19 to 23 June 2022 in Krakow, Poland. A wide range of 11 themes covers all aspects of concrete pavements, and a special focus will be given to all sustainability issues. There are also two special sessions focused on base layers and concrete block paving. The list of themes can be found here. Experts in these fields are called to attend this Symposium and contribute with a paper and a presentation or poster. Anyone interested is invited to submit an abstract, around 300 words, written in English. >> Submit your abstract before Monday 29 March 2021!
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“The World Road Association @PIARC_Roads has the Environment as one of its work axes. We invite you to consult its articles, publications, events and more on the environment-road relationship at PIARC website”
“The #RoadSafety Manual from @PIARC_Roads is now available in #Spanish Consult for free this excellent tool that will help you improve road safety in your country and is adapted to any state of development of road infrastructure”
Climate Change is anticipated to have a significant impact on the design, construction, maintenance and operation of global road infrastructure. The IPCC Climate change projections indicate that the earth will become warmer, some regions will become wetter and [...] >> Read more
This report presents research and findings on management and operation of truck traffic on highways and motorways for efficient and environmentally friendly, safer and energy efficient freight transport. Appendices to this report present various good practices on management [...] >> Read more
This report puts together good practices on the various regional approaches to the impacts of climate change on roads and little hydraulic works. It includes the definition of the climate parameters that had to be taken into account, the definition of a rural roads and the terminology of the structure [...] >> Read more
PIARC Events
Webinar: PIARC and COVID-19 (in Spanish)
07 April 2021 (13:00, Paris time) Online
PIARC will be there
17-19 March 2021 Manila (Philippines)
PIARC National Committees
17-19 May 2021 Polish National Committee