As president of a PIARC committee, I want to share my experience and encourage more women to aspire to leadership positions in our profession, especially in technical and engineering fields. For me, PIARC represents much more than just a professional association. It is an essential platform for knowledge sharing, skill development, and the promotion of innovation in the transport infrastructure sector. Since joining the PIARC network in 2020, representing Tunisia in TC2.2, my active participation has allowed me to strengthen my network, acquire international expertise, and contribute to the development of the road sector. In 2024, I was appointed president of Technical Committee 2.2: Roads for Equity, Accessibility, and Mobility in Rural and Interurban Areas. [...] >> Read the full editorial
Imen Makhlouf President, Technical Committee 2.2 "Roads for Equity, Accessibility, and Mobility in Rural and Interurban Areas"
Through its Technical Committee 1.1 on Performance of Transport Administrations, PIARC is conducting a comprehensive survey on breakthrough technologies and service models impacting the roads and transport sector and how transport agencies are responding to related challenges and opportunities in terms of policy, regulation, and organization [...] >> Reed here
The case studies presented in this report mainly come from European countries, Chile, and Japan. These countries need to apply new inspection techniques because they have several aging and large bridges. While these case studies provide limited information, they will be useful for all PIARC member countries in the future. [...] >> Reed here
We are pleased to welcome Armenia as a new member of PIARC, bringing the total number of member countries to 128. We look forward to working closely with our Armenian colleagues to promote safe, sustainable, and efficient road infrastructure. > Which countries are PIARC members? Discover them here!
This event highlighted PIARC's efforts to promote gender equality in the road sector, with contributions from experts from Spain, Austria, the United States, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Sweden. To learn more about PIARC's initiatives on inclusion and diversity, and to watch the presentation video, click here. PIARC continues to promote an inclusive culture, notably by celebrating International Women in Engineering Day on June 23, and highlighting training, webinars, and technical reports on gender inclusion. Watch the presentation video here!
June 6-7, 2024, Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Robin Sebille, Deputy Secretary-General of PIARC, and Fabio Pasquali, Strategic Coordinator on Decarbonization, participated in a technical session on pathways to sustainable mobility at the Green Mobility Summit in Sarajevo. The discussions highlighted the importance of coordination at all levels, capacity building, knowledge sharing, and data-driven decisions for the decarbonization of the Western Balkans. The green change starts with each of us!
This media-covered event saw professional drivers from Lower Austrian Province’s Road Administration excel. The three winners, among 33 participants, will represent Austria at the European Championship in Germany in September 2024. The Polish National Committee of PIARC is also very active. During the 10th Silesian Road Forum on June 13, 2024, in Szczyrk, bilateral cooperation agreements were signed with PIARC National Committees of Germany and Kazakhstan. These agreements aim to strengthen cooperation through joint seminars and the exchange of knowledge and experts. Additionally, a Kazakh delegation visited Poland to sign a cooperation agreement, marking a new milestone in relations between the two National Committees. These initiatives illustrate the commitment of PIARC National Committees to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing on an international scale.
Technical Committee 3.1 "Road Safety" Meeting (Reserved for PIARC members)
Technical Committee 1.1 "Performance of Transport Administrations" Meeting (Reserved for PIARC members)
International Workshop "Road Safety"
International Seminar "The Transport Agency of the Future"
International Tunnel Summit
Meeting Cape Town (South Africa) and online (Reserved for PIARC members)
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Very happy to have participated in this webinar on #roadsafety organized by IBTTA. I was able to present the many technical reports and the online manual we produce on this priority topic at PIARC - World Road Association. #BeSafeTogether
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