The achievement of relevant results in the process of decarbonisation of the road transport is at the top of all National Road Authorities and Agencies. PIARC has interpreted this widespread need by providing a special focus on Decarbonisation in its 2024-27 Strategic Plan: two new Technical Committees have been created, a new Strategic Coordinator has been appointed, the terms of reference of many TCs have been extended in order to allocate the right place to this topic in their work programme. The challenge is to leverage the strategic role of the road in the economic and social system [...] >> Read the full editorial
Issue 399 of Routes/Roads magazine presents the eight Prize winners who received awards for their papers at the 2023 World Road Congress. Discover the eight papers that received an award, each in its own category. >> Read it here
PIARC Technical Committee 3.3 on Road Asset Management has carried out research on aging infrastructure. This report analyses the challenges encountered and presents recommendations for road administrations and operators. >> Read here
In this report, the Road Statistics Committee presents objective data, both qualitative and quantitative [...] >> Read here
This Special Project looks at the subject of inter-urban cycle infrastructure, which could contribute to the challenge of the ecological transition of road transport. >> Read here
PIARC launched its Strategic Plan for the 2024-2027 cycle by organising working meetings for all 23 of its Technical Committees. Around a thousand international experts took part in these meetings to familiarise themselves with their terms of reference and finalise how to organise their work for the next four years. >> See photos of the kick off meetings
PIARC is launching three calls for proposals for outsourced Special Projects to be implemented in 2024: - Artificial Intelligence in the road sector
- Rapid Impact Assessment
- Updates to the Road Safety Manual
>> Download the calls for proposals
At the last World Road Congress in October 2023, PIARC's key players were interviewed to share the milestones that have marked the 2020-2023 work cycle, as well as their personal experience of the Prague Congress. >> Watch their interviews
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"According to PIARC Report of 2022, roads account for around 80% of all land transport today and in the foreseeable future. Côte d'Ivoire is working hard on its road infrastructure. ABIDJAN, the economic capital, is a case in point, with roads being built or rehabilitated everywhere to support economic development and improve people's living conditions. Road infrastructure is the key to the development and prosperity of modern society. Connecting people and places, goods and services in a safe, efficient and sustainable way is essential to creating and maintaining sustainable and inclusive growth throughout society and the economy. Roads enable us to get to work, send our children to school, get to hospital and transport goods between manufacturers and end users. Roads have a positive effect on economic growth and social development."
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