This new edition of the Newsletter of the World Road Association (PIARC) presents you all the richness of our activities. You will be able to discover our actions in favour of road safety, our reports, our seminars and meetings in Morocco, the Czech Republic and Australia. Our Association indeed covers the whole world, and experts from diverse and remote countries find it useful to work together, to share their experiences and projects, because it is efficient and affordable as compared with savings that are realized.
In the spirit of sharing and exchanging of our Association, I will be pleased to take part in the next International Transport Forum in Leipzig on 1 June. On behalf of our members, I will present the perspective of roads and road transport at the plenary session on the governance of investment in transport infrastructure.
Finally, our next International Winter Road Congress is also featured in this Newsletter. With more than 290 abstracts submitted from more than 40 countries, it is a very clear sign that the Gdansk congress in February 2018 will be a new success and will offer a privileged opportunity to exchange between experts and decision-makers. I hope to see you there again.
Claude Van Rooten
8 - 14 May 2017
The World Road Association decided in 2011 to support the United Nations Decade of Action on Improving Global Road Safety. The United Nations Global Road Safety Week, held from 8 to 14 May 2017, has been an opportunity to recall this commitment..
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Gdansk, Poland, May 2017
More than 290 abstracts, written by authors from around the world, were submitted for the XVth PIARC International Winter Road Congress 2018, covering the eight themes proposed.
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Approximately ten to fifteen years ago many countries introduced tunnel safety management systems and started paying attention to tunnel safety in a more structured way. PIARC report 2007/R07 recommended an integrated approach to tunnel safety. As a result of this, many countries have gained...
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This report gives a scanning overview of the current state of the art on the topic of the appraisal of sustainability within the development of transport plans and investment programs, respectively the extent to which decisions made in this context have taken account of sustainability. The report is based on the result of a questionnaire done within the technical...
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Road transport is critical to the economic vitality of a country. An effective management of emergency situations for combined and large hazards that may disrupt road operation requires cooperation and coordination among several parties of the road and non-road sector including government agencies, the private sector, rescue services and road users...
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